The Fat Hydrangea

Sara Michelle - Columbus, Ohio


Sink Shopping

KitchenSara Michelle B.Comment

One of my goals for the year is to get new countertops and a new sink in our kitchen! These are the last steps before the kitchen renovation is officially COMPLETE!

I've spent a lot of time thinking about countertops (99% sure we are going to go with marble) but have not put a ton of thought into the sink.

I'm definitely leaning towards a farmhouse sink... Not 100% sure whether I want two bowls or one bowl, or stainless or ceramic. Here are my top contenders at the moment:

Kraus 33" Apron Front Sink in Stainless Steel - $419.95

I think I'm leaning towards the stainless steel for two reasons 1) Price! 2) To contrast with all of the white already in the kitchen. But one bowl or two bowl? I've had both and honestly can happily live with either, but would love to know your thoughts and experiences! I like the idea of one bowl for washing babies and puppies, but I like two bowls for soaking dishes on one side and rinsing on the other.

Also, huge thanks to all of you who have migrated to the new site! GREATLY appreciate it!