The Fat Hydrangea

Sara Michelle - Columbus, Ohio


The Blue & White Gift Guide

ShoppingSara Michelle B.Comment

Saturday Shopping: New Balance for J.Crew

Saturday Shopping, Shopping, ClothesSara Michelle B.Comment

I'M SO EXCITED! As I mentioned in my post about Tory Sport couple of weeks ago, I pretty much live in athletic clothes after work and on the weekends when I'm chasing around the boys. (Let's face it, chasing around two boys two and under IS my workout!) Comfort and function are always my number one priorities, but I also want to look nice.  I have been saying for SO LONG that I wish J.Crew would expand their athletic clothes selection and mimic what Tory Burch did with Tory Sport, and IT'S HERE! J.Crew paired with New Balance and the results could not be cuter. Here are my purchases and a few of my favorite items:

What do you think?

Saturday Shopping: Tory Sport

Saturday Shopping, Shopping, Clothes, Company CrushSara Michelle B.1 Comment

Tory Burch is one of my favorite brands of all time. I pretty much live in my Reva ballet flats during the work week. I love her purses, wallets, dresses, and overall prints. There is a definite nod to the 70s in her designs and it is quirky, fun, and chic. In 2015 she came out with her Tory Sport line and I am obsessed! I seriously think it was designed for me. I love wearing leggings and casual/sporty clothes when I'm not working, and this brand allows me to feel comfortable and cute. It may be on the expensive side, but you can't beat the quality. I tend to be one of those people that find something I love and wear it over and over again, so this works for me.

When I was in NYC last weekend I jumped at the chance to visit the Flagship Tory Sport store on Fifth Avenue. The interior design of the store was awesome! It was decorated perfectly. I was in heaven ;) Here are some pics from my shopping experience:

Does anyone else like Tory Burch as much as I do? Here were some of my favorite items from the store:

$10 Style & Storage Solution

Clothes, ShoppingSara Michelle B.Comment

Our lovely house was built in 1940, and consistent with this era of home, the closet sizes are SMALL! While I do have a walk-in closet in our master bedroom, it is off a small dark hallway between our bedroom and bathroom and is an incredibly tight squeeze. It leaves a lot to be desired in terms of form and function!

Additionally, I like displaying my new outfits or outfits I plan to wear to work the next couple of days where I can see them. This helps me get ready quickly and have fun picking out my clothes and accessories. Not easy to do when you have a tiny, dark, closet! I have found instead that hang my clothes from the curtain rod in our bedroom... Real attractive, let me tell you.

Surfing Instagram the other day, however, I stumbled across a post from Danielle Moss and her $10 Ikea clothing rack! TEN DOLLARS! I logged online to the Ikea website and immediately ordered the MULIG Clothes Rack (in white) for myself. It arrived in three days, was super easy to assemble, and fits in our bedroom perfectly! So much fun and frees up so much space in my closet! I feel like it is making me fall in love with my wardrobe all over again.

I seriously can't remember the last time $10 made such a difference in my daily life! (Except for my and Evan's $10 Starbucks coffee runs every morning... of course...)